Parent Involvment.
Copper Hills MTB Team and NICA rely heavily on our riders parents to volunteer and support the team and the races. If you are the parent that wants to come to the race and sit on the sideline all day, this is not the sport for you. We will be asking for your help. If mountain biking is not your thing, that's okay. We have several opportunities for you to help out. Of course, you will want to watch your rider during their race. The more volunteers we have the better, as it becomes easier for us to juggle the needs so that you can be where you need to be for your racer.
Pit Zone
At every race we set up a pit zone to support our riders. This is an area where the riders can relax and get ready for their race. There are food options there for the riders nutrition. We use this area for warming up the rider and boosting morale. There are a lot of logistics and needs here; from set up and take down, to helping with food, warming up riders and making sure the right riders are at the start gate at the right time. If this is somewhere you feel you might want to help, please talk to a coach.
Feed Zone
As our riders make a lap they are tired and thirsty, they need a cheer and a familiar face to motivate them to push hard. The feed zone is an area, off to the side of the course, where riders will get a fresh water bottle. We need parents to come fill the role at this highly important station. It is a pretty awesome thing for the rider to see their parent as they pass this station. If you want to help in this part of the race, we would love your help. Talk to a coach and we will get you trained to assist here.
NICA Volunteer
NICA has a dedicated race crew that works to provide an awesome race for our kids. They need help from us to make it happen. You can volunteer as a course marshal, crossing guard, parking crew and many other jobs that will need to happen to make this event happen. If you have interest in any of these jobs, please click the link below.
Pit Zone
At every race we set up a pit zone to support our riders. This is an area where the riders can relax and get ready for their race. There are food options there for the riders nutrition. We use this area for warming up the rider and boosting morale. There are a lot of logistics and needs here; from set up and take down, to helping with food, warming up riders and making sure the right riders are at the start gate at the right time. If this is somewhere you feel you might want to help, please talk to a coach.
Feed Zone
As our riders make a lap they are tired and thirsty, they need a cheer and a familiar face to motivate them to push hard. The feed zone is an area, off to the side of the course, where riders will get a fresh water bottle. We need parents to come fill the role at this highly important station. It is a pretty awesome thing for the rider to see their parent as they pass this station. If you want to help in this part of the race, we would love your help. Talk to a coach and we will get you trained to assist here.
NICA Volunteer
NICA has a dedicated race crew that works to provide an awesome race for our kids. They need help from us to make it happen. You can volunteer as a course marshal, crossing guard, parking crew and many other jobs that will need to happen to make this event happen. If you have interest in any of these jobs, please click the link below.